Saturday, February 20, 2010

Is Todd the Best Candidate?

Who Am I?

My wife, Kiki and I returned to Park Hill in 2002 to afford our children an opportunity to cultivate a strong sense of identity with family who are long time residents of the area. As the father of 4 children I have cumulatively spent 15 years at Park Hill … only 38 more to go. I’ve spent much of my free time volunteering and am proud to be a readily recognizable face in the schools that my children attend. As well, I have served on several Park Hill School Board sub-committees as a member on the Alternative Pay Task Force, as a Parent Representative on the Quality Panel, and multiple years on the Policy Committee where I currently serve as Chairman.

I have diverse career experience that spans finance, marketing, sales and operations. Currently I serve as the Director of IT at a local hospital where I manage a large team dedicated to improving the healthcare of our broader community.

Why am I running?

I am dedicated to making a difference in my community and find that my talents and personality are suited for building consensus and collaboratively crafting long-range strategic goals. If elected, my vision is aggressive deployment of technology solutions to support and optimize teaching resources. My belief is that technology can augment the classroom experience and can personalize curriculum that will lead to motivated students enhancing both quality and outcome of the entire educational experience.

Significant Challenges Facing The Park Hill School District

• Changing Demographics
• Looming Budget Challenges
• Growth, Capacity Issues

Why you should vote for me?

I am committed to our community and our schools and have experience working with the leaders of the Park Hill School District. I have a sincere interest to engage our citizens, listen to their ideas, and work together to plan ways to improve our community’s most valuable asset and legacy--our children’s futures.

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